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Nutrition & Food/Feed industry

Smaltis supports your nutrition and food industry projects, for both human and animal applications. Call on our team to develop your nutritional solutions using and/or acting on microorganisms, in a context of preserving or improving host health.

Who are you?
What are you looking for?

In the framework of the development and optimization of your nutraceuticals or food/feed products, you are looking for a specialist in microbiology and molecular biology to conduct customized in vitro experiments and support you in the development and enhancement of your products at all stages. You have come to the right place! Smaltis is at your disposal to study your needs and respond optimally with a high-value and personalized approach.

The products you plan to develop

  • Dietary supplements

  • Animal supplementation products

  • Nutritional solutions

  • Medical nutrition products

  • Health foods

  • Functional foods

  • Fermentation products/Fermented foods

  • Food production strains

The approaches you work on

Are you developing nutritional products to maintain the balance of human microbiota? Are you using microorganisms for the production of fermented foods? Are you designing supplementation solutions to improve the metabolism of animals? Whatever approach you are working on, Smaltis and its team are ready to listen and respond effectively to meet your needs with scientific expertise, keen insight, and a customized approach.

At what stage are you?










Candidate screening,
Characterization of products in terms of functionality and safety,
Understanding mechanisms of action

Analysis of action mechanisms,
Biomarkers research

Development and optimization of bioprocesses,
Supply and optimization of strain-producing compounds

Support for (pre)clinical studies through in vitro monitoring of samples,
Support for data analysis

Why choose Smaltis?

Our responses and studies enable you to supply, enhance, and secure your data within a rigorous scientific framework. Your projects require a precise and thorough study of your needs, with a recommendation of experiments perfectly tailored to them. This is what Smaltis does every day, accompanying its clients with an informed perspective, sharing experiences, and collaboratively designing protocols. You can entrust your project to us with confidence, as our teams are dedicated to its successful execution.

Get in touch!

They trust us

Testimonials and references

Jérôme SCHMEISSER and Christelle IACONIS
Biology lab manager
and Scientist

In the context of our developments in animal health dietary supplements, we turned to SMALTIS to assess the impact of our products on the expression of genes of interest in different tissues. The molecular biology expertise of SMALTIS allows us to rely on this laboratory, whose qualitative results provide us with robust and reliable data. We also benefit from constructive exchanges with their teams to progress together throughout the project. SMALTIS thus constitutes a true extension of our R&D department, allowing us to focus on our own expertise while relying on this partner with whom we will continue to collaborate.

Nathalie ROUDIER
Science & Innovation Director

In the context of the use of probiotic strains as dietary supplements, we needed to evaluate the inhibition potential of pathogenic strains. We identified Smaltis, with whom we were able to discuss the various possible models adapted to our needs. Smaltis was able to deploy and optimize a protocol to demonstrate the desired effects. The Smaltis team proved to be very attentive to our needs and was able to meet the challenges we faced in adapting to the constraints of the living world. We were also able to call on the company to determine the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration of probiotic strains, in line with EFSA recommendations. We will continue to call on the Smaltis team if we ever need to turn to a quality service provider specialized in microbiology and molecular biology.


As part of our anti-infective molecule developments, we have repeatedly sought the expertise of the Smaltis team for cloning and construction of specific mutants. The services provided by Smaltis have notably contributed to our study describing and characterizing new mechanisms of resistance to Odilorhabdines in Klebsiella pneumoniae, which was published in 2021. We know that we can rely on their know-how and expert scientific advice for our future developments.

Nicolas COULIN
Laboratory Manager

Solicaz develops natural bacterial biostimulation solutions to meet the challenges of agro-ecological transition and climate change. These PGPG (Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria) bacteria provide benefits for improving plant growth and resistance. In order to exploit their full potential, we needed to call on a molecular biology expert to robustly determine the identity of a pool of selected strains. We identified Smaltis, who fully met our expectations by providing comprehensive expertise. The laboratory proved to be a true partner of choice, with whom we worked jointly to identify and test the method best suited to our needs. Their flexibility and commitment ensure that we have reliable results, and despite the geographical distance that separates us, our various subsidiaries will continue to work with Smaltis.

Co-founder and Scientific Director

Smaltis is an important partner for us, with whom we have established a close and early relationship to support the development of our new anti-infective molecules. We sought their recognized expertise in the field of antimicrobials and antibiotic resistance to support our proof of concept of the efficacy of our compounds, using specific strains from their mutant collection. With the help of growth kinetics, determination of Minimal Inhibitory Concentrations, and precise construction of mutant strains, along with their insightful advice and regular constructive exchanges, we obtained solid and essential elements to secure our data and continue our project.

News and articles


Smaltis attends the 34th edition of the ECCMID international congress, renamed ESCMID Global, in Barcelona from April 27 to 30, 2024. This clinical microbiology and infectious diseases event is one of the largest and most important congresses in the field of infection, bringing together over 16,000 participants from all over the world to contribute to the dissemination of scientific knowledge.


Sanofi Vaccines R&D Day

Smaltis attends the Sanofi Vaccines R&D Day, organized by Sanofi in partnership with Lyonbiopôle, Enosis Santé and Polepharma!
This event aims to foster partnerships around 5 themes: antimicrobial approaches, therapeutic vaccines and antibodies, mucosal or skin delivery of vaccines, immunology, and antigen design. Quite a program!

Cédric Muller will be present at this event, which will take place on April 11, 2024, at 14 Espace Henry Vallée in Lyon.


Viruses at the service of humanity?

Once upon a time, the English bacteriologist Ernest Hankin demonstrated for the first time the presence of anti-bacterial entities in the waters of Indian rivers, putting humanity on the path to a promising anti-infectious therapy that is more relevant than ever.


Microbiota & Health Day 7th edition

Smaltis is delighted to be taking part in the 7th edition of Microbiota & Health Day, organized by Lyonbiopôle and Alliance Promotion Microbiote, on March 26, 2024 in Lyon. The aim of this day is to bring together academic, clinical and industrial players to discuss topical issues that are driving innovation in the field of microbiota and their impact on health.


AMR Conference 8th edition

Smaltis is happy to participate to the 8th edition of AMR Conference in Basel from March 6th to 7th 2024, a platform for SMEs, start-ups, big pharma, academia, investors and public institutions to discuss strategies and specific challenges faced by the innovation ecosystem in bringing new antimicrobial treatments and diagnostics to the market.


The same… But better!

The year 2024 marks the 10th anniversary (already!) of the Smaltis adventure! 10 years of microbiology, 10 years of molecular biology, 10 years of passion, 10 years of twists and turns, 10 years of growth, 10 years of self-reflection, 10 years of continuous improvement, 10 years of scientific spirit, 10 years of ambition, 10 years of collaboration, 10 years of human relationships…

It was necessary to celebrate this milestone, and not just by blowing out the candles.


The Polepharma Microbiomics Days

Smaltis is delighted to have participated in and sponsored, for the fourth consecutive year, the Polepharma Microbiomics Days, held in Rouen on November 22 and 23, 2023.


The man who wanted to extend lifespan

Once upon a time, more than a century ago, Elie Metchnikoff hypothesized that health could be improved, and senility delayed by modulating the intestinal microbes thanks to bacteria present in yogurt. This zoologist and microbiologist was thus one of the first scientists to take an interest in gut microbiota and what we now call probiotics, the consumption of which he claimed helped to fight against aging.

This is the story of “the man who wanted to extend lifespan”.


All our sincere wishes

In this new year that begins, let’s take the time…

Let’s take the time to extend our best wishes to you, from the bottom of our hearts. It seems essential to us, during these periods conducive to gratitude, to prioritize human relationships as the most important aspect of our lives.