Sanofi Vaccines R&D Day
Smaltis attends the Sanofi Vaccines R&D Day, organized by Sanofi in partnership with Lyonbiopôle, Enosis Santé and Polepharma!
This event aims to foster partnerships around 5 themes: antimicrobial approaches, therapeutic vaccines and antibodies, mucosal or skin delivery of vaccines, immunology, and antigen design. Quite a program!
Cédric Muller will be present at this event, which will take place on April 11, 2024, at 14 Espace Henry Vallée in Lyon.

Through this event, Sanofi’s Vaccines business will present its R&D strategy to the France/Auvergne Rhône Alpes (AURA) ecosystem. The aim is to offer participants the opportunity to identify common objectives on which potential partnerships could be developed, in order to adapt to global epidemiology and disease outbreaks.
Over the course of the day, academic researchers and members of biotech R&D teams will come together to synergistically explore the most relevant approaches to tackling healthcare challenges, around 5 topics of interest:
-Development of antimicrobial approaches using new biological strategies such as modified or highly specific antibodies or phages. Other means of eliminating microbial pathogens, such as gene editing of the microbiome, are also being explored.
-Therapeutic vaccines/antibodies. For chronic diseases, the focus is on infectious causes, such as chronic latent bacterial or viral infections.
-Mucosal (oral, sublingual, intranasal) and cutaneous administration of vaccines.
-Immunology and innovative approaches beyond immunology to support exploratory immunology.
-Antigen design – new methods for antigen discovery, optimization and characterization, supported by artificial intelligence tools.
This event is a first step in learning more about Sanofi’s research and ecosystem. It will lead to further discussions with Sanofi for partners with a common interest.